Figure 1: Per pixel sampling of an object covered by spatially varying BRDF (a) rendered image with 200 samples (b) optimal selection of samples found by combinatorial search in O(N 2 ) time (c) our approximation to the exact values computed in O(1) time (d) previous method of Lu et al. [2013]. The distribution of samples is shown: deep blue color is sampling only from environment map, red color only from BRDF.
AbstractMultiple Importance Sampling (MIS) technique has been widely used in Computer Graphics in rendering algorithms. MIS is based on weighting several sampling techniques into a single estimator. When the combination weights are taken such that the sample contributions are balanced, i.e. they are the same for all techniques, it becomes balance heuristic. It has been used since its invention almost exclusively on equal sampling for all techniques. The question whether unequal sampling can give better variance, has raised till now little interest. Based on the properties of balance heuristic MIS as a weighted mixture of distributions, where weights are proportional to the number of samples, we obtain for this kind of integral an implicit closed formula for the sampling, where we get the minimum variance for MIS. We also take into account the cost of each sampling technique. Although this closed formula can not be written in an explicit way, we outline an iterative procedure to obtain the optimal values. To bypass the combinatorially growing cost of the iterative procedure, we introduce a sound heuristic approximation based on the optimal combination of two independent estimators with known variance. We validate our theory by the results from implementation of 1-dimensional function examples and 2-dimensional examples of environment map illumination.