The optimization of passive filters in industrial systems has been presented by different computational methods. The objective of this paper is to develop a computational algorithm with NSGA II to select the configuration and design parameters of a set of passive filters for industrial installations. As a methodology, the optimization problem was addressed using three independent objective functions of innovative character for compensation of harmonics through passive filters as a multiobjective problem. The results were the computational solution to this problem that determines a set of Pareto optimal solutions (Frontier). In addition, the computational tool has several new features such as: calculates the parameters that characterize the filters, but also selects the type of configuration and the number of branches of the filter in each candidate bar according to a set of pre-established configurations according to PRODIST-M8 (Brazilian Standard) and IEEE 519-2014. Also determine solutions with good power quality indicators (THD, TDD and NPV) for several characteristic and non-characteristic scenarios of the system that allow to represent: daily variations of the load, and variations of system parameters and filters. It evaluates the cost of energy bills in an industrial power grid that has different operating conditions (characteristic scenarios) and evaluates the economic effect of harmonic filters as reactive power compensators.