The two key phenomena occurring in the process of ceramic powder compaction are the progressive gain in cohesion and the increase of elastic stiffness, both related to the development of plastic deformation. The latter effect is an example of 'elastoplastic coupling', in which the plastic flow affects the elastic properties of the material, and has been so far considered only within the framework of small strain assumption (mainly to describe elastic degradation in rock-like materials), so that it remains completely unexplored for large strain. Therefore, a new finite strain generalization of elastoplastic coupling theory is given to describe the mechanical behaviour of materials evolving from a granular to a dense state.The correct account of elastoplastic coupling and of the specific characteristics of materials evolving from a loose to a dense state (for instance, nonlinear -or linear-dependence of the elastic part of the deformation on the forming pressure in the granular -or dense-state) makes the use of existing large strain formulations awkward, if even possible. Therfore, first, we have resorted to a very general setting allowing general transformations between work-conjugate stress and strain measures; second, we have introduced the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient and, third, employing isotropy and hyperelasticity of elastic response, we have obtained a relation between the Biot stress and its 'total' and 'plastic' work-conjugate strain measure. This is a key result, since it allows an 1 immediate achievement of the rate elastoplastic constitutive equations. Knowing the general form of these equations, all the specific laws governing the behaviour of ceramic powders are finally introduced as generalizations of the small strain counterparts given in Part I of this paper.