We consider a stochastic control problem for a class of nonlinear kernels. More precisely, our problem of interest consists in the optimisation, over a set of possibly non-dominated probability measures, of solutions of backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs). Since BSDEs are nonlinear generalisations of the traditional (linear) expectations, this problem can be understood as stochastic control of a family of nonlinear expectations, or equivalently of nonlinear kernels. Our first main contribution is to prove a dynamic programming principle for this control problem in an abstract setting, which we then use to provide a semi-martingale characterisation of the value function. We next explore several applications of our results. We first obtain a wellposedness result for second order BSDEs (as introduced in [86]) which does not require any regularity assumption on the terminal condition and the generator. Then we prove a nonlinear optional decomposition in a robust setting, extending recent results of [71], which we then use to obtain a super-hedging duality in uncertain, incomplete and nonlinear financial markets. Finally, we relate, under additional regularity assumptions, the value function to a viscosity solution of an appropriate path-dependent partial differential equation (PPDE).1 generally based on the stability of the controls with respect to conditioning and concatenation, together with a measurable selection argument, which, roughly speaking, allow to prove the measurability of the associated value function, as well as constructing almost optimal controls through "pasting". This is exactly the approach followed by Bertsekas and Shreve [6], and Dellacherie [25] for discrete time stochastic control problems. In continuous time, a comprehensive study of the dynamic programming principle remained more elusive. Thus, El Karoui,in [34], established the dynamic programming principle for the optimal stopping problem in a continuous time setting, using crucially the strong stability properties of stopping times, as well as the fact that the measurable selection argument can be avoided in this context, since an essential supremum over stopping times can be approximated by a supremum over a countable family of random variables. Later, for general controlled Markov processes (in continuous time) problems, El Karoui, Huu Nguyen and Jeanblanc [36] provided a framework to derive the dynamic programming principle using the measurable selection theorem, by interpreting the controls as probability measures on the canonical trajectory space (see e.g. Theorems 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 of [36]). Another commonly used approach to derive the DPP was to bypass the measurable selection argument by proving, under additional assumptions, a priori regularity of the value function. This was the strategy adopted, among others, by Fleming and Soner [43], and in the so-called weak DPP of Bouchard and Touzi [15], which has then been extended by Bouchard and Nutz [10,12] and Bouchard, Moreau and Nutz [9] to optimal control problems wit...