The potential-energy surface of the ground electronic state of CaHCl has been obtained from 6400 ab initio points calculated at the multireference configuration-interaction level and represented by a global analytical fit. The Ca+ HCl→ CaCl+ H reaction is endothermic by 5100 cm −1 with a barrier of 4470 cm −1 at bent geometry, taking the zero energy in the Ca+ HCl asymptote. On both sides of this barrier are potential wells at linear geometries, a shallow one due to van der Waals interactions in the entrance channel, and a deep one attributed to the H − Ca ++ Cl − ionic configuration. The accuracy of the van der Waals well depth, Ϸ200 cm −1 , was checked by means of additional calculations at the coupled-cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples level and it was concluded that previous empirical estimates are unrealistic. Also, the electric dipole function was calculated, analytically fitted in the regions of the two wells, and used to analyze the charge shifts along the reaction path. In the insertion well, 16 800 cm −1 deep, the electric dipole function confirmed the ionic structure of the HCaCl complex and served to estimate effective atomic charges. Finally, bound rovibrational levels were computed both in the van der Waals well and in the insertion well, and the infrared-absorption spectrum of the insertion complex was simulated in order to facilitate its detection.