We second quantize a relativistic Schr6dinger equation involving a Hamiltonian H that describes free spin-½ particles and that depends on a parameter G. We require a positive definite metric and a positive definite energy in the Fock space in which the field qJ (x, t) and its adjoint operate. If G = ±i, one obtains the usual second-quantized Dirac theory, but for real values of G one has Bose statistics. Whereas the anticommutator [~(x, t), ~*(x', t')]. vanishes for a Dirac field when the interval between (x, t) and (x', t') lies outside the light cone, when G is real the commutator [¢(x, t), ~ *(x', t')]_ vanishes for such points.
t. IntroductionIn an earlier paper (Guertin, 1975b), we studied a Schr6dinger equation involving a Hamiltonian that is a second-order differential operator, describes free spin-½ particles with both energy signs and a definite mass, and depends on a parameter G. By setting G = -+i one obtains the usual Dirac Hamiltonian, but for real values of G the one-particle theory possesses an indefinite metric; thus, negative energy states have a negative normalization, as in the SakataTaketani spin-0 and spin-1 Hamiltonian theories (Sakata & Taketani, 1940;Heitler, 1943) and their arbitrary spin generalizations (Guertin, 1974(Guertin, , 1975a. In this paper we second-quantize the theory using Bose statistics for real values of G and find that, for such values of G, the commutator of the field and its adjoint vanishes when the interval between their space-time arguments is spacelike.