In superfluid systems several sound modes can be excited, as for example first and second sound in liquid helium. Here, we excite propagating and standing waves in a uniform two-dimensional Bose gas and we characterize the propagation of sound in both the superfluid and normal regime. In the superfluid phase, the measured speed of sound is well described by a two-fluid hydrodynamic model, and the weak damping rate is well explained by the scattering with thermal excitations. In the normal phase the sound becomes strongly damped due to a departure from hydrodynamic behavior.Propagation of sound waves is at the heart of our understanding of quantum fluids. In liquid helium, the celebrated two-fluid model was confirmed by the observation of first and second sound modes [1]. There, first sound stands for the usual sound appellation, namely a density wave for which normal and superfluid fractions oscillate in phase. Second sound corresponds to a pure entropy wave with no perturbation in density (normal and superfluid components oscillating out of phase), and is generally considered as a smoking gun of superfluidity.Sound wave propagation is also central to the study of dilute quantum gases, providing information on thermodynamic properties, relaxation mechanisms and superfluid behavior. In ultracold strongly interacting Fermi gases, the existence of first and second sound modes in the superfluid phase was predicted [2] and observed in experiments [3,4], with a behavior similar to liquid helium. In weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), one still expects two branches of sound with speeds c (1) > c (2) but the nature of first and second sound is strongly modified because of their large compressibility [5]. While at zero temperature density perturbations propagate as Bogoliubov sound waves, at finite temperature we expect them to couple mostly to second sound -a behavior contrasting with the case of liquid heliumwith a sound speed proportional to the square root of the superfluid fraction [5,6]. Sound waves in an elongated three-dimensional (3D) BEC were observed in Refs. [7,8] in a regime where the sound speed remains close to the Bogoliubov sound speed.Propagation of sound in weakly interacting twodimensional (2D) Bose gases was recently discussed in Ref.[9] using a hydrodynamic two-fluid model, predicting the existence of first and second sound modes of associated speeds c (1) HD and c(2) HD , respectively. In 2D Bose gases, superfluidity occurs via the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) mechanism [10]. The superfluid to normal transition is associated with a jump of the superfluid density that cannot be revealed from the thermodynamic properties of the gas. As the second sound speed is related to the superfluid fraction, one expects c (2) HD to remain non-zero just below the critical point of the super-FIG. 1. Experimental protocol and observation of propagating waves. (a) Absorption image of the cloud perturbed by a local additional potential. The excitation is delimited by the horizontal dashed lin...