A 59C0 NMR chemical shift and relaxation study of the preferential solvation of tris(acetylacetonato)cobalt(III) was undertaken by varying the solute concentration in cyclohexane. As expected, the preferred solvation is most pronounced for hydrogen-bond donating solutes, such as chloroform and methanol. However, the expected levelling of the 59C0 chemical shift curve on increasing the alcohol molar fraction is not observed because of competing solutesolute interactions in bulk solution. The order of preference is close to that proposed using paramagnetically induced relaxation times or shifts in solutions doped with tris(acetylacetonato)chromium(III). The 59C0 line-width measurements correlate with Co(acac), rotational correlation times. Contrary to earlier proposals, the 59C0 relaxation is claimed to be controlled by modulation of the static quadrupolar tensor of Co(acac),.KEY WORDS 59C0 NMR tris(acetylacetonato)cobalt(III) preferential solvation