ABSTRACT:Combined Donnan equilibria and static light scattering experiments have been performed on aqueous solutions ofpoly(styrene sulfonate), PSS, in the presence oflow molar mass electrolytes. Two systems were investigated, namely PSS/Na and PSS/Pb/H. The coion was nitrate. Additionally, the molar mass, M w, of PSS was varied in the range of 3.20 x 10 5 to 1.22 X 10 6 Da. Donnan equilibria experiments yield the degrees of binding, 13 1 and 13 2 , for the uni-and the divalent counterions. 13 1 and 13 2 increase with increasing ionic strength, but they are independent on Mw within the experimental error. Static light scattering yields the molar mass, M w, the radius of gyration, , and v A3' decrease with increasing ionic strength while Iv A,I increases. Interestingly, v A3 is significantly larger than 2v A2 + I.This suggests that A3 is not proportional to Mw as predicted by some theories. The nature of the mentioned effects could be established, however, only in part. An interpretation by the conventionally excluded volume theory was not successful. Indeed, a universal functon, '[', incorporating effects such as molar mass, degree of dissociation, and solvent quality, is found; but none of the present theories is suitable to describe the experimental data satisfactory. In conclusion, a completely new theoretical concept will be necessary for the future.KEY WORDS Poly(styrene sulfonate) / Static Light Scattering / Counterion Condensation / Brute and Net Quantities / Second ant Third Virial Coefficient / Excluded Volume / Physical properties of poly(styrene sulfonate), PSS, in dilute aqueous solutions containing low molar mass electrolytes in excess have been studied previously1,2 via. Donnan dialysis equilibrium, viscosity, and static light scattering. The results obtained for the systems PSSjPb/H, PSSjPb/Na, and PSS/Na have shown that (1) the degrees of counterion condensation are well predicted by the twovariable theory of Manning 3 ; that (2) a PSS-ion behaves like an extended worm-like coil; and that (3) the magnitude of the radius of gyration is predominantly influenced by the number of totally nonneutralized charges per PSS-ion.In the present work, we continue our previous study. ...