Secondary Streptococcus pneumoniae infection after influenza is a significant clinical complication resulting in morbidity and sometimes mortality. Prior influenza virus infection has been demonstrated to impair the macrophage and neutrophil response to the subsequent pneumococcal infection. In contrast, how a secondary pneumococcal infection after influenza can affect the adaptive immune response to the initial influenza virus infection is less well understood. Therefore, this study focuses on how secondary pneumococcal infection after influenza may impact the humoral immune response to the initial influenza virus infection in a lethal coinfection mouse model. Compared to mice infected with influenza virus alone, mice coinfected with influenza virus followed by pneumococcus had significant body weight loss and 100% mortality. S econdary bacterial infection of the respiratory tract following influenza is a severe complication that often increases morbidity (1). Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the pathogens that commonly cause the coinfection (2). Pneumococcus is also the major pathogen associated with mortality in both the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic (3-5) and the 2009 H1N1 pandemic (6, 7). Given this clinical importance, it is imperative that we understand how the host immune response can be modulated after the coinfection.Prior influenza virus infection has been demonstrated to impair the immune defense against subsequent pneumococcal growth and infection (8, 9). For example, influenza virus can desensitize epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages to Toll-like receptor (TLR) signals for defense against bacteria (10). Gamma interferon (IFN-␥) induced by influenza virus can inhibit the phagocytosis of pneumococcus by macrophages (11). The type I IFN induced by influenza virus can impair neutrophils (12) and macrophages (13) in the defense against pneumococcus. Influenza virus can decrease tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-␣) production from natural killer cells in the lung, which allows an increase bacterial growth (14).In contrast, how secondary pneumococcal infection after influenza can influence the immune response to the initial influenza virus is relatively less well understood. The host adaptive immune response is largely responsible for controlling the influenza virus infection. It has been reported that coinfection could dysregulate Th17 (15) and gamma/delta T cells (16). However, whether the B cell response would be modulated during the coinfection is still not clear. It is reported that vaccine-induced immunity to influenza virus