Objective – to determine the hormonal status of patients with genital endometriosis combined with hypothyroidism.
Material and methods. The present prospective studydemonstrated the results of the preoperative examinationof patients with genital endometriosis combined with hypothyroidism. The study groups was formed: 1 group (n=50): 10 women – infertility and with the pelvic peritoneum endometriosis, 40 – dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia and endometrial ovarian cysts. Group 2 included 60 women with hypothyroidism and external genital endometriosis. The age of women in group 1 amounted to 31.7±1.7 year, in group 2 – 35.4±1.3 year.
Results. TTH hyperproduction in patients with genital endometriosis and hypothyroidism produces a the level of estrogen (25.9%) decrease and the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (20.8%) and increasing production of prolactin (28.6%); inverse correlation between tireotropin hormone and facultatem (r=-0,51; t=4,12); negative correlation between tireotropin hormone and estradol (r=-0,62; t=5,48); direct correlation between the secretion of tireotropic hormone and the amount of prolactin (r=0,63; t=5,61). The frequency of extragenital pathology in women with genital endometriosis is 30.6%, its structure is dominated by pathology of the thyroid gland (56,2%); gastrointestinal tract (21.1 per cent) and cardiovascular diseases (12.5 percent). Among all women with thyroid pathology at 94.9% is hypothyroidism. In the structure of various degrees endometrioma lesions in women with hypothyroidism was: I degree – 27,0% – adenomyosis; II degree – 23.0% – endometrial ovarian cysts and endometriosis of the peritoneum; III degree – 38,0% – endometrial ovarian cysts and adenomyosis; IV degree – 12.0% – adenomyosis and endometriosis of retrocervical region.
Conclusions. Women with different forms ofendometriosis need a examination of the thyroid gland functional state before surgery. The women with genital endometriosis combined with hypothyroidism should also be considered together with the endocrinologist in the development of preoperative preparation. Implementation of the results will increase the effectiveness of treatment of women with genital endometriosis combined with hypothyroidism of reproductive age.