Abstract. Ice pellets can form when supercooled raindrops collide with small ice particles that can be generated through secondary ice production processes. The use of atmospheric models that neglect these collisions can lead to an overestimation of freezing rain. The objective of this study is therefore to understand the impacts of collisional freezing and secondary ice production on simulations of ice pellets and freezing rain. We studied the properties of precipitation simulated with the Predicted Particle Properties (P3) microphysics scheme for two distinct secondary ice production processes. Improvements to the representation of ice pellets and ice crystals in P3 were analyzed by simulating an ice pellet storm that occurred over eastern Canada in January 2020. Those simulations showed that adding secondary ice production processes increased the accumulation of ice pellets but led to unrealistic size distributions of precipitation particles. Realistic size distributions of ice pellets were obtained by modifying the collection of raindrops by small ice particles and the merging criteria of ice categories in P3.