hnmunity to Haemophilus influenzae type b can be mediated by serum antibody to the capsular polysaccharide (CP) 1 (1). Immunization of human adults and older children with isolated CP induces antibody; however, immunization of young infants fails to induce an antibody response (2, 3). The antibody response is inconsistent, nonboostable, low in titer, and nonprotective in children younger than ~18 mo of age. Children above that age can mount a protective antibody titer, but its magnitude remains less than the adult's until ~4 y of age. The cellular basis of antibody unresponsiveness and the delay of high-magnitude responses is unknown. In an effort to convert the CP to a more thymus-dependent (TD) immunogen, oligosaccharides prepared from the CP (4-6) or the CP itself (7, 8) have been presented with protein carriers. When the oligo conjugate was injected sequentially at ages 2, 4, and 6 mo, a mainly IgM primary and IgG secondary anti-CP antibody response was induced (5). In infants thus primed, titers could be further boosted by immunizing with isolated CP, even at an age normally unresponsive to CP vaccine (5). To elucidate the basis, at the B cell clonal level, of the increased antibody titer induced by the conjugate, and of the accelerated age-acquisition of responsiveness to the isolated CP, we have analyzed IEF patterns of serum antibody of the IgG isotype.
Materials and MethodsVaccines. The conjugate vaccine was composed of oligosaccharides 3-10 repeating units in length (derived by hydrolysis of the H. influenzae b CP), coupled by reductive amination to diphtheria toxoid or the antigenically related nontoxic protein, CRM 197 (4). The conjugates contained -4% saccharide and 96% protein, wt/wt (4, 5). The dosage was 25/lg protein injected s.c. Purified CP (2) was later given to some subjects (a 10-ug s.c. injection). The age of the vaccinees and the intervals between vaccination are noted below.Antibody Quantitation. Serum antibody to the H. influenzae b CP was measured in a Farr-type radioantigen binding assay using [ H]CP, and calibrated with standard antiserum SK (Office of Biologics, U.S. Food and Drug Administration) as described (9).