Dendronized salicylidene-ethylenediamine (salen) compounds are prepared for the first time through diaza-Cope rearrangement in which the ethano carbons of the ethylenediamine (EDA) are substituted with two types of dendritic wedges: Fréchet-ether and ester-dendrons. The X-ray analysis of a dendritic salen with ester dendrons is presented.Only few examples of the use of dendrimers and dendrons to modify the Jacobsen catalyst have been reported so far in the literature. For example Breinbauer and Jacobsen used the connection of chiral [Co II (salen)] units with NH 2 -terminated polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers to explore cooperative asymmetric catalysis. 1 Another example is Seebach's substitution of the tert-butyl or the methoxy group in 5-and 5¢-position with Fréchet-type dendrons. 2 These approaches have in common that they leave the stereospecific feature of transition metal-salen complexes untouched, namely the ethano bridge between the two Schiff base nitrogens. Either it is substituted with two arene units or part of a cyclohexane ring. [3][4][5] We present here the first salens in which dendrons are used to control the stereochemical approach of a substrate towards the centre of a transition metal-salen complex. This is achieved through tuning of the bite angle of the EDA-unit by means of soft, but space demanding dendritic substituents at its carbon stereocentres. Whilst synthesis of the Jacobsen catalyst and its analogues is generally based on a condensation reaction of salicylaldehydes with either chiral 1,2-diaminocyclohexanes or chiral 1,2-diphenylethylenediamines, 6-9 there is no easy possibility to incorporate dendrons into the core of the salen structure. We looked out for ethylenediamines (EDA) as starting compounds that bear dendrons directly fixed to both amine carbons, so that a convergent synthesis 10 with a connection of the dendrons with the diamines would result to avoid polydispersity from a divergent synthesis. 11,12 The formation of double Schiff bases of 1,2-bis(2-hydroxyphenyl)ethylenediamine (1) with formyl substituted dendrons followed by a 2,2¢-diaza-[3.3]-sigmatropic rearrangement (diaza-Cope rearrangement) 13,14 seemed to be a promising strategy.We therefore treated 3,5-bis(benzyloxy)benzaldehyde (2) 15,16 and 3,5-bis(benzoyloxy)benzaldehyde (3) 17 with 1,2-bis(2-hydroxyphenyl)ethylenediamine (1) 14 in order to achieve their condensation to the new dendronised double Schiff bases 6 and 7, respectively. 13,14 Its anticipated diaza-Cope rearrangement with the dendron substituted salicylidenes (4 → 6 and 5 → 7) was successfully performed in refluxing acetonitrile (Scheme 1). 18Both target compounds 6 and 7 were obtained in very good yields of 92% and 94% in four hours highlighting the usefulness of this method for preparation of various dendronised molecular architectures in the future with other types of dendrons. We ascribe the success of this synthetic strategy to the almost planar disposition of all reactive centres forced by two intramolecular N···HO hydrogen bonds 20 in 6 and 7...