The CUB domain is a widespread 1 lO-amino-acid twdule lound in fiinclionally diverse, often developmentally regulated proteins, for which an antiparallel P-b:itrel topology similar to that in irriniunoflobulin V domains has been predicted. Spemxidhesins have becn proposed as a subgroup of this protein family built up by B single CUB domain architccturc. To tcst the proposed structural model, wc have analyzed the structural organkition o f two meinher.; of the spei-madhesin protein frimily, porcine seminal plasma proteins 1/11 (PSP-I/PSP-TI) heterodimer arid bovinc acidic seminal fluid protein (aSFP) horiiodimer, using differential scanning calorimetry, far-ultraviolet circular dichroism and ~;ourici-transforrn infrared spcctroscopy. Thermal unfolding of PSP-l/PSP-II and aSFP werc irreversible and follocvcd a onc-step process with transition temperatures (Tin) of 60.S"C and 78.6"C, rcspectively. The calorimctric cnthalpy changes (AH,,,,) of thermal denaturation werc 439 k.l/niol for PSP-I/PSP-I1 and 660 kJ/tnol for aSIT dimer. Analysis of the calorimetric curves of PSP-I/PSP-I1 showcd thut the cntire dimer constituted the cooperative unfolding unit. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and deconvolution of circular dichroic spectra using ii convex constraint analysis indicated that [I-structurc arid turns are the miijor slructural element of both PSP-UPSP-I1 (53% of p-sheet, 21 %I of turns) and aSFP (44% of /I-shcet, 36% of turns), ant1 that the porcine and the bovine proteins contain little, if any, Ix-helical slructurc. Taken together, OLIT rcsults indicate that the porcine and the bovine spermadhesin molecules are probably all-/j-struclure proteins, and would support a /$-barrel topology like thal predicted for the CUB domain. Othcr p-structurc folds, such as the Greek-key pattern characteristic of inany carbohydrate-binding protein dotnains ciinnot be eliminated. Finally, the saiiic combination of biophysical tcchniques was used to characterize the residual secondary slructurc of thermally denatured forms of PSP-I/PSP-II and aSFP, and to emphustze the aggregation tendency of these lorms.Keywords: scminal plasrna proteins; spermadhesins; CUB domain; conformational analysis; calorimetry.The early events of niamtrialian fertilization involvc a coinplcx series of highly orchestrated interactions between complementary molecules located on the surface of homologous gametes. In mammiils, sperm-egg recognition m d binding i s mediated hy spermatozoa-associated carbohydrate-binding proteins and saccharide chains of the oocyte's cxtracellular matrix called thc zona pcllucida (reviewed 1 1 1 ) . A variety of sperm proteins with zona-pellucida-binding capability, both integral plasrnii membrane and peripherally associated proteins, have becn idcntified in dilferent nummalian species (see [2] and refcrences therein). This suggests that fertilization is probably mediated by multiple zona pellucida spermatozoon-receptor systems, which collectively dictate the species specificity of gamete interaction.Cr, t...