Introduction. In the system of pedagogical education, the training of professionals is possible at several levels, but the logic, concept, and basis of training should be unified and pass through all levels of education, but the normative legal acts underlying each level are mostly not synchronized with each other. Overcoming the existing contradictions is seen through the implementation of an axiological approach in education, in which value orientations should determine the meaning and content of education. The hypothesis of the study is based on the assumption that there are significant differences in the values of pupils studying at different levels of pedagogical education. To overcome the existing gap, the training of future teachers should be based on common value guidelines and educational results.Materials and Methods. The purpose of the work is to determine the value orientations of pedagogical activity from the point of view of the students of the pedagogical college and students of the pedagogical university. Sample: 400 people participated in the online study: 147 students of the pedagogical college and 253 students of the pedagogical university. Methods: the author's methodology is a questionnaire of values laid down by educational and professional standards. The structure of the methodology consists of three lists of values (relation, qualities, knowledge), reflecting the value orientations associated with the target objects – the child, the educational environment and the teaching profession.Results. Students of both levels of pedagogical education at the top of the subjective rating of values have the professional activity of a teacher for society. Otherwise, both groups of study participants have all the values expressed equally, but they put different personal meaning into them. For college students, the methodological literacy of a specialist is in the first place, the instrumental basis of the profession, which is expressed in the main thing – the teaching methodology and the possession of various methods and methods of teaching. And university students are more focused on the areas of "educational environment" and "profession".Discussion and Conclusions. The obtained data indicate the following problems: a low level of subjectivity of the child and the development of the student's personal potential for the future teacher. The solution to these problems is seen in ensuring the equivalent translation of values belonging to the category "child-environment-profession" and "qualities-relations-knowledge". The diagnosed value gaps must be leveled by combining the requirements and results laid down by educational standards and implemented in learning technologies.