Background: Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) for post-laryngectomy speech rehabilitation can be performed at the time of laryngectomy (primary) or at a subsequent time (secondary). Traditionally, the secondary procedure is performed using a rigid esophagoscope. Diseases like esophageal stricture, limited neck extension, and soft-tissue fibrosis can make this procedure technically challenging or impossible. We developed a novel device to perform a secondary tracheoesophageal puncture using a flexible esophagoscope. Objective: To test the feasibility of a novel device used to create a secondary TEP in post-laryngectomy cadavers. Methods: In this study, we performed a total laryngectomy on 3 fresh cadavers to establish the feasibility of our prototype. In each cadaver, a flexible esophagoscope was passed into the pharynx with the prototype. The prototype was passed through a working port and deployed to distend the esophagus. The puncture was visualized and a wire was passed via the newly established fistula. The device was activated, securing the wire, and then the esophagoscope and device were removed. Results: There was 100% successful deployment of the prototype device, allowing rapid creation of the puncture and security of the guide wire in each cadaver. There was no evidence of collateral mucosal injury or esophageal perforation. Conclusions: The prototype device offers an alternative method to safely and efficiently perform a secondary TEP without the requirement of rigid esophagoscopy which can sometimes be technically impossible in this patient population.