We study the problem of secure transmission over a two-user Gaussian multi-input single-output (MISO) broadcast channel under the assumption that the channel to each receiver is conveyed either perfectly (P) or with delay (D) to the transmitter. Denoting S 1 and S 2 to be the channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) of user 1 and user 2, respectively; the overall CSIT can then alternate between four states, i.e., (S 1 , S 2 ) ∈ {P, D} 2 . We denote λ S 1 S 2 be the fraction of time the state S 1 S 2 occurs, and focus on the symmetric case such that λ S 1 S 2 = λ S 2 S 1 . Under these assumptions, we first consider the Gaussian MISO wiretap channel and characterize the secure degrees of freedom (SDoF). Next, we generalize this model to the two-user Gaussian MISO broadcast channel and establish an inner bound on the SDoF region. This result shows the synergistic SDoF gains of alternating CSIT and illustrates that, as opposed to encoding separately over different states, an improved SDoF region is achievable by joint encoding across these states.