Abstract-The first morphological sign of atherogenesis is the accumulation of extracellular lipid droplets in the proteoglycan-rich subendothelial layer of the arterial intima. Secretory nonpancreatic phospholipase A 2 (snpPLA 2 ), an enzyme capable of lipolyzing LDL particles, is found in the arterial extracellular matrix and in contact with the extracellular lipid droplets. We have recently shown that in the presence of heparin, lipolysis of LDL with bee venom PLA 2 induces aggregation and fusion of the particles. Here, we studied the effect of human snpPLA 2 on the integrity of LDL particles and on their interaction with human aortic proteoglycans. In addition, the capacity of the proteoglycans to retain PLA 2 -lipolyzed LDL particles was tested in a microtiter well assay. We found that lipolysis of LDL induced fusion of proteoglycan-bound LDL particles, which increased their binding strength to the proteoglycans. Moreover, lipolysis of LDL with snpPLA 2 under physiological salt and albumin concentrations induced a 3-fold increase in the amount of LDL bound to proteoglycans. The results imply a role for PLA 2 in the retention and accumulation of LDL to the proteoglycan matrix in atherosclerosis. Key Words: phospholipases Ⅲ LDL Ⅲ fusion Ⅲ retention Ⅲ proteoglycans I nitiation of atherosclerosis in both humans 1 and experimental animals 2-4 is characterized by the appearance of extracellular lipid droplets in the proteoglycan (PG)-rich subendothelial layer. Experimental models have shown that similar droplets can be formed directly from LDL particles both in situ 2,5 and in vivo. 2,6 Moreover, both chemical analyses 7,8 and measurements of the size 9,10 of the extracellular lipid droplets in human arterial lesions suggest that the majority of the droplets originate from LDL particles. Because native LDL particles do not fuse into such lipid droplets, the LDL particles must undergo modification in the arterial intima. Indeed, the lipid droplets isolated from the arterial intima have features suggesting that they may have been derived from plasma LDL by extensive modification (reviewed by Öörni et al 11 ). Modification of LDL in vitro by proteolytic enzymes, 12-14 by oxidative compounds, 15 or by lipolytic enzymes such as sphingomyelinase, 13,15-17 phospholipase C, 18,19 or phospholipase A 2 (PLA 2 ) 17,20 has been shown to induce aggregation, fusion, or both aggregation and fusion of the particles.
See p 884Phospholipase A 2 s are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of the sn-2 fatty acyl ester bond in phospholipids, yielding a free fatty acid and a lysophospholipid. Recently, type II secretory nonpancreatic phospholipase A 2 (snpPLA 2 ), which is capable of lipolyzing LDL, 21 has been shown to be located in both atherosclerotic and nonatherosclerotic arterial intima [22][23][24][25][26] and to be associated with extracellular matrix structures and lipid droplets. 24 Interestingly, lipolysis of LDL by bee venom PLA 2 reduces the size of the LDL particles in the absence of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) 17,20,27 but ...