The pathophysiology underlying follicular cysts appears to be lack of an estradiol (E 2 )-induced GnRH/LH surge due to hypothalamic insensitivity to E 2 . In addition, progesterone (P 4 ) can cause animals with follicular cysts to resume normal cyclicity and normal hypothalamic responsiveness to E 2 . We postulated that follicular cysts may be a pathological manifestation of a physiological state that cows, and possibly other species, go through during the normal estrous cycle but the rise in P 4 following ovulation induces them back to normal hypothalamic responsiveness to E 2 . Based on this hypothesis, we expected that removal of the ovary containing the corpus hemorrhagicum would prevent the normal rise in P 4 following ovulation and induce development of follicular cysts. Cows (n 5 24) on day 7 of the estrous cycle were treated with prostaglandin F 2a (PGF 2a ) and time of ovulation was detected by ovarian ultrasonography every 8 h. Immediately following detection of ovulation, cows were randomly but unequally assigned to have the ovary containing the corpus hemorrhagicum removed (TRT; n 5 16) or the ovary opposite to the corpus hemorrhagicum removed (CON; n 5 8). Cows were subsequently evaluated by daily ultrasound and blood sampling to determine follicular dynamics. Ovulation was detected at 93.7 6 4.5 h after PGF 2a injection. All CON cows had a normal estrous cycle length (22.0 6 0.6 days) after ovariectomy (OVX). Half of the TRT cows became anovular (TRT-ANO; n 5 8) after OVX with large anovular follicles developing on the ovary (maximal size, 25.4 6 1.4 mm; range, 20-32 mm). However, eight TRT cows ovulated (TRT-OV; n 5 8) 7.3 6 0.6 days after OVX. Control cows had a normal P 4 rise after ovulation. Removal of the newly formed corpus hemorrhagicum prevented the rise in circulating serum P 4 in TRT-ANO cows throughout the 25-day experimental period. The TRT-OV cows had a delayed increase in circulating P 4 but it was normal in relation to time of ovulation. Serum E 2 concentrations were similar among groups (TRT-OV, TRT-ANO and CON cows) until 7 days after OVX. Serum E 2 concentrations then decreased in TRT-OV and CON cows but remained elevated (> 5 pg/ml) in TRT-ANO cows. Thus, the endogenous increase in circulating E 2 that induces the GnRH/LH surge and estrus is sufficient to induce cows into a physiological state that resembles follicular cysts if it is not followed by increased circulating P 4 .
Reproduction (2005) 129 737-745Introduction Follicular cysts have been reported in many mammalian species, including cattle (Roberts 1971, Kesler & Garverick 1982, swine (Heinonen et al. 1998), dogs (Arbeiter 1993, rabbits (Lopez-Bejar et al. 1998), rats (Brawer et al. 1986), mares (McCue & Squires 2002), sheep (Christman et al. 2000), elephants (Brown et al. 1999) and women (Stein & Leventhal 1935). In cattle, this condition is characterized by large (generally $25 mm in diameter) anovular structures that persist on the ovary for at least 10 days in the absence of a corpus luteum (CL) (Roberts 1...