Fix positive integers d, m such that m 2 +4m+6 6 ≤ d < m 2 +4m+6 3(the so-called Range A for space curves). Let G(d, m) be the maximal genus of a smooth and connected curve, of degree d, C ⊂ P 3 such that h 0 (I C (m− 1)) = 0. Here we prove thatThe case m 2 +4m+6 4 ≤ d < m 2 +4m+6 3 was known by work of Fløystad and joint work of Ballico, Bolondi, Ellia, Mirò-Roig. To prove the case m 2 +4m+6 6 ≤ d < m 2 +4m+6 4we show that in this range for large d every integer between 0 and 1 + (m − 1)d − m+2 3 is the genus of some degree d smooth and connected curve C ⊂ P 3 such that h 0 (I C (m − 1)) = 0.and there is a smooth and connected curve C ⊂ P 3 of degree d and genus G(d, m) such that h 1 (O C (m − 2)) = 0, h i (I C (m − 1)) = 0, i = 0, 1, and h 1 (N C (−1)) = 0.In the statement of Theorem 2 we assumed that d < m 2 +4m+6 4 , because the range m 2 +4m+6 4 ≤ d < m 2 +4m+6 3 is covered by [2, Proposition 2.2 and Corollary 2.4]. In the range of [2, Corollary 2.4] our proof of Theorem 2 is very bad (it gives examples of nice curves C, but not enough to cover all d).For. Take (d, m) in the Range A and an integer g such that 0 ≤ g < G A (d, m). Is there a smooth and connected curve C ⊂ P 3 of degree d and genus g with h 0 (I C (m − 1)) = 0 ? In the upper half of Range A we know it only if G A (d, m) − g is small ([2, Proposition 4.3]). In the lower half of the Range A we adapt the proof of Theorem 2 to prove the following result. Theorem 3. Fix integers m, d, g such that m ≥ 13.8 · 10 5 , m 2 +4m+6 6 ≤ d < m 2 +4m+6 4and 0 ≤ g ≤ G A (d, m). Then there is a smooth and connected curve C ⊂ P 3 of degree d and genus g such that h 0 (I C (m − 1)) = 0 and h 1 (N C (−1)) = 0.As an easy corollary of Theorem 3 we get the following result. Corollary 1. Fix integers d, m such that m ≥ 13.8·10 5 and d ≥ m 2 +4m+6 4 . Set δ := ⌊ m 2 +4m+5 4⌋. Fix an integer g such that 0 ≤ g ≤ G A (δ, m). Then there is a smooth and connected curve C ⊂ P 3 of degree d and genus g such that h 0 (I C (m − 1)) = 0 and h 1 (N C (−1)) = 0.There are a few questions related to this paper. Fix positive integers d, m. We recall that if d > m(m − 1) (the so-called Range C) we have G(d, m) = 1 + [d(d + m 2 −4m)−r(m−r)(m−1)]/2m, where r is the only integer such that 0 ≤ r ≤ m−1 and d + r ≡ 0 (mod m), and equality holds if and only if the curve is linked to a plane curve of degree r by the complete intersection of a surface of degree m and a surface of degree d + r ([14]). Now assume