In this paper, we introduce a new graph invariant called the secure total domination cover pebbling number, a combination of two graph invariants, namely, 'secure total domination' and 'cover pebbling number'. The secure total domination cover pebbling number of a graph G, denoted by f std p (G), is the minimum number of pebbles that are required to place on V (G), such that after a sequence of pebbling moves, the set of vertices with pebbles forms a total secure dominating set under any configuration of pebbles to the vertices of graph G. The secure total domination cover pebbling number for join of two graphs G(p, q) and G ′ (p ′ , q ′ ) is determined. Also, a generalization of secure total domination cover pebbling number for some families of graphs such as complete graph K n , complete bipartite graph K p,q , complete y-partite graph K p 1 ,p 2 ,...,p y and path P n is found.