Following the well-known concepts of computerization and informatization, an emerging era of cyberization, which is considered as a reformation of the present physical, social and mental worlds, has become a hotly discussed trend in the new cyber world. Cyberization refers to using communication and computer technologies to interconnect computers and various electronic terminal devices distributed in different locations. It allows users to share software, hardware and data resources according to certain network protocols. Cyberization has greatly improved the practical utility of computers and has been widely applied in transportation, finance, business management, education, telecommunications, commerce, and so on in our daily life [1]. During the cyberization process, a large number of real things will conjugatively map to various kinds and levels of cyber existence in cyber world. It is said that cyberization has already taken place in a variety of fields along with the development of several emerging computing paradigms and information communication technologies, such as ubiquitous/ pervasive computing, social computing and networking, and wearable technologies, etc. Specifically, with the rapid growth of Internet of Things and cognitive cyber-physical systems, more and more digital things or cyber entities, are engaged or generated in the integrated cyber world. Emerging technologies in smart environments, such as smart computing and smart objects, become very significant, promising, and enabling issues in cyberization, to enhance