Information and communications technologies (ICT)-based wireless personal computing has created increasing interest in convergence technology-based personal services, in which personal equipment is combined with wireless network-based services. Smart services, in which convergence technology services and hybrid peer-to-peer, personal environment network technology plus wireless network information technology are combined, are future-oriented. With the emergence of the smart mobile age, personal users can enjoy a lifestyle that uses content, such as information recommendation and personal services, based on various applications in smart IoT devices. This special issue introduces selected research papers by the authors who submitted them. This issue includes trends in ICTbased wireless personal computing, including digital convergence, hybrid networking systems, big data mining, interactive mobile applications, cloud services, secure data transmission, P2P network architectures, hybrid wireless protocols, index structures, multichannel protocols, crowdsourcing, future communications systems, network architectures, personal computing, short URL generation, and multicasting communications.The paper by Jeong and Shin [1] proposes an efficient access reduction scheme for big data based on total probability theory. Big data collected from a wide variety of areas shows a little variation in information search processing time, depending on the type and size of data. This study is on the reduction approach of divide-and-conquer; that is, it distinguishes all the attributes of data so as to minimize the data to improve the efficiency of data access based on the probability values within the big data group. The paper by Jung et al. [2] presents efficient malicious packet capture through an advanced & SangYeob Oh