DOI: 10.1109/tifs.2014.2309211
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Secure Transmission Using MIMO Precoding

Abstract: Abstract-In this paper, we propose an MIMO precoding and postcoding transceiver to achieve data secrecy at the physical layer. When full channel state information (CSI) of the legitimate receiver is known to the transmitter, the proposed precoder can simultaneously maximize to receive signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and attain secrecy. When only partial CSI is available, a modified Lloyd algorithm is proposed to construct codebooks for quantizing the precoder. As will be explained in this paper, the use of the pro… Show more

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Cited by 22 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 42 publications
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“…The signal processing methods in 5G networks, such as secure precoding and beamforming, have been utilized to enhance various performance requirements in secure transmission systems. By optimizing these techniques, the appropriate performance metrics of PLS can be achieved while the desired QoS can also be ensured at the same time [170][171][172][173][174][175]. However, due to the complexity of the hardware and mathematical models in these performance metrics, the optimization problems of existing signal processing schemes become more and more complicated for future network environments [64,90,[114][115][116], which means that: (1) it is hard to solve these problems using numerical methods because they are too sophisticated and have many imperfections in practical applications; (2) in order to obtain optimal design schemes, the hurdles between various signal processing barriers need to be reduced using optimal solutions; (3) the vastly increasing complexity of the systems and hardware installation that are needed to mitigate computational cost requires robust and intelligent algorithms to make system design more practical.…”
Section: Ai For Signal Processing Designmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The signal processing methods in 5G networks, such as secure precoding and beamforming, have been utilized to enhance various performance requirements in secure transmission systems. By optimizing these techniques, the appropriate performance metrics of PLS can be achieved while the desired QoS can also be ensured at the same time [170][171][172][173][174][175]. However, due to the complexity of the hardware and mathematical models in these performance metrics, the optimization problems of existing signal processing schemes become more and more complicated for future network environments [64,90,[114][115][116], which means that: (1) it is hard to solve these problems using numerical methods because they are too sophisticated and have many imperfections in practical applications; (2) in order to obtain optimal design schemes, the hurdles between various signal processing barriers need to be reduced using optimal solutions; (3) the vastly increasing complexity of the systems and hardware installation that are needed to mitigate computational cost requires robust and intelligent algorithms to make system design more practical.…”
Section: Ai For Signal Processing Designmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In Mukherjee & Swindlehurst (2011), a few beamforming schemes were proposed to improve the secrecy capacity of the Gaussian MIMO wiretap channel in the presence of CSI errors. With the objective of achieving perfect secrecy at the physical layer, MIMO precoding and postcoding designs using the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) criterion were presented in Lin, Tsai & Lin (2014).…”
Section: Related Workmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…2 For this kind of channel, the channel gains are allowed to change from channel use to channel use (Poor & Schaefer, 2017). channels 1 have been recently explored in the literature (Goel & Negi, 2008;Khisti & Wornell, 2010;Oggier & Hassibi, 2011;Mukherjee & Swindlehurst, 2011;Yang et al, 2013;Ferdinand, Da Costa & Latva-aho, 2013;Lin, Tsai & Lin, 2014;Wang, Wang & Ng, 2015;Schaefer & Loyka, 2015;Wang et al, 2016b;Maichalernnukul, 2018). A brief overview of these works is provided in the following subsection.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It was demonstrated that this framework can achieve perfect secrecy when facing a small number of eavesdroppers and shown that to perfectly reconstruct the signal, a great many eavesdropping nodes are essential. In addition, an MIMO precoding and postcoding system was designed to fulfill the physical layer data secrecy [18], where the CS based recovery algorithms can be utilized to reconstruct the transmitted signal. If full channel state information is available, the precoder can maximize the received signal-to-noise.…”
Section: B Physical Layer Securitymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…From the perspective of physical layer security, the CS framework was utilized to establish secure communication over wiretap channel [13]- [18]. Multiclass encryption by CS was also discussed in [19]- [21] to achieve the objective that when receiving the same measurements, different decoders can recover the original signal with different quality levels.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%