The term "Analog" will be in history books in the near future, as the world moves completely to "Digital" domain. The technological advancements like mobile phones, laptop are all the fruitful results of Digital Communication. As the adage says, "One Man's boon is other Man's bane", though powerful algorithms support digital communication, the hackers attack the system with its loopholes thereby enhancing eavesdropping. Therefore, Security via obscurity is enforced to certify the safe exchange of information. The best way to obtain obscurity is to make the message signal to appear as eclipsed information. This paper deals the way to achieve Security via obscurity by a technique Chaos Shift Keying. It offers a comprehensive methodology in which l's and O's of the message signals are represented by chaotic wave, generated by a Chaotic generator called Chua circuit, which is random in nature. The simulated results and the future scope are also discussed.