The research was to transfer the electric power from a photovoltaic module in wireless utilized magnetic coupling method and an inverter. It was also investigated the waveform characteristics due to various distances, turns and loads. The measurements were performed by using a storage digital oscilloscope, to obtain the voltage magnitudes and harmonics. The results indicated that the receiver voltage magnitudes would decrease drastically, in hyperbolic curves, as the distance increased. The receiver voltage magnitudes would also decrease considerably as the turns reduced, with the average reductions as 0.095 and 0.357 volts, from 600 to 400 and 400 to 200 turn reductions respectively. The THDs in the transmitter voltages were fairly constant, as average of 26.75%. Nevertheless, the receiver voltage THDs would decrease significantly as the distance increased, with decreasing average as 38.09% of the three condition percentage reductions. While, the THDs would reduce considerably as the turns decreased, as 25.28% in average for the 200 to 400, and 400 to 600 turns on one cm of distance. Otherwise, the voltage magnitudes would decrease as the loads increased where from one to five lamp loads, as 0.489, 1.334 and 1.482 volts reductions for 200, 400 and 600 turns respectively. The THDs would decrease slightly as the loads increased, with the average reduction of 5.4% from one to five lamp loads, for the three turn conditions. The receiver voltage magnitudes would increase steep linearly, with the average ratio of one per 9.30 as the transmitter voltage magnitudes increased. While, the THDs of receiver voltages would reduce considerably as the transmitter voltage magnitudes increased, with 8.98% reduction for 1.4 to 5.2 volts of the transmitter voltage magnitudes. The receiver power would reduce more drastically, compared to the voltages, as the distance increased. This case was caused which the powers were influenced by both electric voltage and current. The efficiency would also reduce drastically as the distance increased. Nevertheless, it was gentler than the power, because the early values have already been low. Both parameters were significantly influenced by the coil turns, which the efficiency would be lower as the coil turns reduced. Based on the research results, the maximum transferring efficiency was 0.0615. The efficiency would slightly increase and tended to be saturated toward a certain value as the load increased. Therefore, most likely, in the future, the coil turns should be increased.