Low rate, low power utilization, and ease correspondence are one of the key focuses for the improvement of a practical and effective Sensor Network (SN) framework. This paper introduces this type of cost-effective and efficient sensor system with MFRC522 as sensors and Raspberry Pi as sensor nodes. Raspberry Pi brings the upsides of a Personal Computer (PC) to the space of SNs. This trademark makes it the ideal stage for interfacing with the wide assortment of outer peripherals as appeared in this research work. An efficient customized configuration process for both MFRC522 sensor and Raspberry Pi has been presented in this work in details. Other than this, a comparison of the key components and performances of Raspberry Pi with a portion of the current existing remote sensor nodes is also been presented in this work. This comparison demonstrates that regardless of few drawbacks, the Raspberry Pi remains an economical PC with its effective use in SN space and assorted scope of research applications.