The aim of this article is to create a risk analysis of selected school facilities which can be an auxiliary tool of security solutions against terrorism. Most terrorist attacks are focused on so-called soft targets -crowded places, which are not secure against violent attacks. Furthermore, attacks on school facilities abroad are frequent too. A wellprepared risk analysis is a necessary method to detect weaknesses and strengths of the security of a soft target. The university in Zlin in the Czech Republic was chosen as a Soft Target for this research. The paper deals with a risk analysis that was created by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic methodology. The methodology deals with these main variables -Performing an Attack, Place of Attack, Time of Attack, Likelihood, and Impact. The result of the risk analysis is a degree of threat which shows a possible risk of the university. The risk analysis shows that the highest value of the degree of threat represents shooting inside university during the daily working time. On the other hand, the minimum value of the degree of threat represents shooting in front of the university during the event of invited. In keeping with the weaknesses which represents the value of the degree of threat under the acceptable risk level, we should protect the soft target as well as possible. Due to the protection of the specific weaknesses should be soft targets safer. This methodology is one of the ways how to prepare a risk analysis of a soft target.