<p>When there are multiple alternate shortest paths between any two nodes in a complex network, there is a need to know details about the content of the paths and the dominance of the nodes within it, this need comes to maximize, control and speed of the information diffusion. This paper discusses the creation of a new special measure as a local scale for any X node in the network. This measure will give each neighbour of the node X a domination value to access the rest of the network, in other words any nodes included in the shortest path (X,Y) will be given a control value, taking into account the existence of more than one shortest path between (X,Y). Such a measure is called a DNISP, which stands for Dominant Nodes Index in Shortest Paths. The X-node needs to examine all shortest paths that connect it with any other nodes across the ones that are directly associated with it. This measure provides an insight into how information flows between nodes according to dominant values with each node.</p>