The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the connection of bodily devices as "things" that can communicate with other systems and devices through the Internet and exchange statistics (data or information), facilitating the exchange of data with other systems and devices. These devices have sensors, software, and various components designed to exchange data seamlessly within the IoT network. Securing and protecting the data transmitted over the Internet from unauthorized access is imperative to ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the information. IoT Smart health monitoring systems, integral components of the IoT landscape, are susceptible to various attacks. These include denial of service (DoS), fingerprint, router, select, forwarding, sensor, and replay attacks, all of which pose significant threats to the security of these systems. As such, there is a pressing need to address and mitigate the vulnerabilities associated with IoT healthcare applications. This paper aims to explore the significant role of IoT devices in healthcare systems and provide an in-depth review of attacks that threaten the security of IoT healthcare applications. The study analyses the existing literature on the vulnerabilities present in smart health monitoring systems and the potential application of blockchain technology as a robust solution to enhance the security of IoT healthcare applications. This research reveals critical vulnerabilities in IoT healthcare applications and highlights blockchain's effectiveness in mitigating them, providing insights for robust security measures and strategic decision-making in secure healthcare systems. This paper provides valuable insight and recommendations for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners involved in the domain of the IoT healthcare system.