An objective was to evaluate the efficacy of intravenous (IV) emulsified isoflurane formulation for maintenance of general anesthesia and to compare with IV lipid emulsion infusion with inhalation isoflurane in pigeons. The animals was total of 21 healthy, mature pigeons (Columba livia domestica), weighing 318 ± 13 g. Pigeons were anesthetized by emulsified isoflurane (treatment IΙΙ), inhalation isoflurane with IV lipid emulsion (treatment ΙΙ ), and inhalation isoflurane (treatment Ι) alone. Over 50 minutes, wing tone, toe pinch (pedal), and feather pluck reflex were tested every 10 minutes. Data was recorded at 10, 20 and 30 minutes for temperature (T), peripheral hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SpO2) heart rate (HR), and respiratory rate (fR). A scoring system was used to assess parameters related to anesthesia duration and depth. There were no significant differences in hemodynamic variables between the treatment Ι and treatments ΙΙ and IΙΙ, in treatments associated with fat emulsion have shown faster induction, longer anesthesia, more immobilization, and longer recovery time. Furthermore, in anesthesia depth percentages evaluation it was observed that emulsified isoflurane entered the anesthesia deep stage earlier and was removed immediately after discontinuation of administration.Administration of 8% v/v emulsified isoflurane IV was effective in anesthesia rapid induction, stability in depth of anesthesia, rapid withdrawal from anesthesia depth by discontinuation of the infusion, delayed recovery, cardiorespiratory and (T) stability.