Soil erosion is a complex process that results in soil and fertility losses from agricultural land and, ultimately, leads to river sedimentation. This study aimed to assess various influential factors and processes affecting soil erosion and to recommend suitable site-based Soil Erosion Control Measures (SECM) for sustainable agriculture while minimizing the downstream rivers and reservoir sedimentation in the Sebeya watershed of Rwanda. The present research used a literature review, site visits, and focus groups to assess various SECM within the Sebeya watershed. As a result, various site-based SECM were evaluated, recommended, and simulated to alleviate high soil loss rates in the Sebeya watershed using the Universal Soil Erosion Equation (USLE) model. Simulating existing and proposed SECM, soil loss was reduced significantly from 73 t/ha/y to 29 t/ha/y. To highlight the implication of the site-based recommended SECM in improving agricultural productivity, this study suggests field investigations in soil erosion plots and prediction of crop yields from an established linear correlation model between soil loss and crop yields in the Sebeya watershed. For effective action in reducing high soil erosion rates to tolerable rates in the Sebeya watershed, the present research recommends implementing the site-based recommended SECM with mulching and drainage channels on the same farmland. However, lack of money and knowledge are the main limitations in implementing SECM in the Sebeya watershed. Therefore, governmental and non-governmental organizations should technically and financially help farmers in the Sebeya watershed.