“…A par tic u larly im por tant role is played by human ac tiv ity, more spe cif i cally, the type of land use (for estry, ag ri cul tural, in dus trial, res i den tial) and the mod i fi ca tions to the catch ment land scape (hydrotechnical con struc tions, res ervoirs, mines, the trans port net work con struc tion and road-surface ero sion). Re search has found that an in crease in the amount of trans ported sus pended par ti cles is gen er ally in fluenced by fac tors lead ing to soil ero sion in the catch ment area, such as cli mate and the type of land cover (e.g., Wall ing and Webb, 1996;Sinha et al, 2020;Szaliñska et al, 2020). A close look at this ques tion shows that de spite de cades of re search, the pre cise fac tors in flu enc ing how sed i ment flux var ies in rivers, and which in ter con nec tions are sig nif i cant, re main unclear (Vercruysse et al, 2017;Peng et al, 2020).…”