Bedload transport data from planebed and step-pool reach types are used to determine grain size transport thresholds for selected upland streams in southeast Australia. Morphological differences between the reach types allow the effects of frictional losses from bedforms, microtopography and bed packing to be incorporated into the dimensionless critical shear stress value. Local sediment transport data are also included in a regime model and applied to mountain streams, to investigate whether empirical data improve the delineation of reach types on the basis of dimensionless discharge per unit width (q*) and dimensionless bedload transport (q b *). Instrumented planebed and step-pool sites are not competent to transport surface median grains (D 50s ) at bankfull discharge (Q bf ). Application of a locally parametrized entrainment equation to the full range of reach types in the study area indicates that the majority of cascades, cascade-pools, step-pools and planebeds are also not competent at Q bf and require a 10 year recurrence interval flood to mobilize their D 50s . Consequently, the hydraulic parameters of the regime diagram, which assume equilibrium conditions at bankfull, are ill suited to these streams and provide a poor basis of channel delineation. Modifying the diagram to better reflect the dominant transported bedload size (equivalent to the D 16 of surface sediment) made only slight improvements to reach delineation and had greatest effect on the morphologies with smaller surface grain sizes such as forced pool-riffles and planebeds. Likewise, the Corey shape factor was incorporated into the regime diagram as an objective method for adjusting a base dimensionless critical shear stress (τ τ τ τ τ * c50b ) to account for lithologically controlled grain shape on bed packing and entrainment. However, it too provided only minor adjustments to reach type delineation. the ratio between sediment transport capacity (Q c ) and sediment supply (Q s ) (Montgomery and Buffington, 1997). Subsequent refinement of the Q c /Q s model introduced the concept of different supply-transport domains, which were