“…Although RSA correlated with the socioaffective content of videos in the middle‐aged monkeys of our study, this was not the case for our aged animals—even though older monkeys were just as engaged with the video stimuli compared to their middle‐aged counterparts, as indexed by the number of fixations made to the stimuli. Age‐related diminishment in RSA activation may be one mechanism through which aging leads to several changes in socioaffective behavior in humans and nonhuman primates, such as decline in overall sociality (humans: Cornwell et al, 2008; McPherson et al, 2006, for a review of the nonhuman primate literature, see Rosati et al, 2020) and preferential psychological processing of positive over negative affective information (Carstensen & DeLiema, 2018; Machanda & Rosati, 2020; Santistevan et al, 2022). That is, if it is the case that the vagal activity is involved in mediating social approach, the fact that the vagal system is disrupted in aging lends credence to the hypothesis that age‐related changes to vagal function and social behavior are causally linked.…”