Seeds ofAstragalus cicer L. (Fabaceae) afforded a galactomannan (5.90% yield of seed mass) of molecular weight 1064 kDa, solutions of which had high viscosity [K] 925.5 mL/g and optical activity [D] D +71.9°. The galactomannan consisted of galactose and mannose units in a 1:1.39 ratio. Physicochemical methods established that the main chain of the polysaccharide consisted of 1,4-E-D-mannopyranose units substituted at 72% of the C-6 positions by single D-D-galactopyranose units. The content of variously substituted galactose mannobiose units Man-Man, (Gal)Man-Man/Man-Man(Gal) and (Gal)Man-Man(Gal) in the galactomannan were 18.7, 19.8, and 61.5%, respectively. In continuation of research on polysaccharides of plants from the family Fabaceae [1], we used Astragalus cicer L. [A. mucronatum DC., Cystium cicer (L.) Stev.] as raw material. The natural distribution area of this plant covers the European part of Russia and the Caucases [2]. The aerial part of A. cicer contains pinitol [3], astraciceran [4], kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside-7-O-rhamnoside, isorhamnetin 3-O-glucoside, apigenin 7-O-apioglucoside [5], acicerone [6], mucronulactone, cajanine, maackianine [7], and canavanine [8].A galactomannan was previously isolated in 15.8% yield (of the seed mass) from seeds of this species and had a galactose:mannose ratio of 1:1.33 [9]. However, its structure was not investigated in detail. The goal of our work was to isolate and characterize structurally galactomannan from A. cicer seeds.A complex of water-soluble polysaccharides was isolated in 11.8% yield (of the seed mass) from A. cicer seeds. Precipitation by Fehling solution produced a polysaccharide fraction ACGm (5.9% yield of seed mass) that was a white fibrous powder and gave a viscous solution upon dissolution. Hydrolysis of ACGm produced galactose and mannose in a 1:1.39 ratio. The principal physicochemical properties of ACGm were [D] D +71.9° (c 0.5, H 2 O), [K] 925.5 mL/g (c 0.5, H 2 O), molecular weight 1064 kDa. The IR spectrum of ACGm was similar to that of galactomanans [10]. All previously established parameters enabled us to assign the isolated polysaccharide to this class of biopolymers.Periodate oxidation of ACGm consumed 1.42 mol of NaIO 4 per anhydro unit and released 0.41 mol of HCOOH. The Smith degradation products were glyerine and erythritol in a 1:1.35 ratio. These results were consistent with (1o4)-and (1o6)-type polysaccharide bonds in the studied polysaccharide.Next galactomannan ACGm was methylated by the Ciucanu-Kerek method. The resulting permethylate was subjected to formolysis and hydrolysis. The hydrolysate contained 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-Me-Galp, 2,3-di-O-Me-Manp, and 2,3,6-tri-O-MeManp in a 2.58:2.56:1 ratio. These results indicated that the main chain of ACGm consisted of mannnopyranose units with (1o4)-bonds that were substituted at the C-6 position by galactopyranose units.The configurations of galactose and mannose were determined after CrO 3 oxidation of the acetylated galactomannan and subsequent hydrolysis of the oxidation products. The o...