Smith, J. G. 1998. Shearing force of alfalfa stems as affected by seeding rate. Can. J. Plant Sci. 78: [273][274][275][276][277][278][279][280]. Physical properties of forages may provide a simple method of predicting animal voluntary feed intake. Physical measurements, such as shearing force, may indicate the resistance of the forage to particle breakdown during mastication. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of seeding rate on the physical characteristics and cell wall chemical constituents of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) stems, and to relate these characteristics to shearing strength. Stems of eight alfalfa cultivars (120, Legend, Multiking 1, OAC Minto, Saranac, Vernal, Vertus, WL320) seeded at 6, 12 and 24 kg ha -1 were harvested in the first and second production years and divided into three 16 cm segments: top, middle and bottom, and the force required to shear each segment was measured using a modified Ottawa Texture Measuring System. For both years, shearing force, segment weight and stem diameter measurements generally decreased as seeding rate increased when measured at the middle and bottom shearing segments on the stem, but this was not observed for the top shearing segment. Effect of seeding rate on differences in segment weight and stem diameter among cultivars was variable among years and stem segments. Concentrations of cell wall constituents in stems were not influenced by seeding rate, and these influenced shearing force to a lesser extent than physical characteristics. Shearing force was directly related to the diameter and weight of the stem. Because of the associations between shearing force and diameter and weight, physical characteristics of the stem may influence forage breakdown during mastication independently, and to a greater extent than cell wall chemical constituents.Key words: Alfalfa, seeding rate, shearing force, cell wall chemical constituents, diameter, weight Iwaasa, A. D., Beauchemin, K. A., Acharya, S. N., Bowley, S. R. et Buchanan-Smith, J. G. 1998. Variabilité de la force de cisaillement des tiges de luzerne selon la densité de semis. Can. J. Plant Sci. 78: 273-280. Les propriétés physiques des fourrages peuvent constituer une mesure simple de prédiction de l'ingéré alimentaire libre. Des tests physiques comme la mesure de la force de cisaillement peuvent renseigner sur le degré de résistance des fourrages à la mastication par les bovins. L'objet de nos recherches était d'établir les effets de la densité de semis sur les propriétés physiques et sur les composants chimiques membranaires des tiges de luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) et de relier ces caractères avec la force de cisaillement. Des tiges de 8 cultivars de luzerne (120, Legend, Multiking 1, OAC Minto, Saranac, Vernal, Vertus, WL320) semés aux doses de 6, et 24 kg par hectare étaient prélevées dans la première et dans la deuxième année de production. Elles étaient divisées en segments de 16 cm (apical, médian et inférieur) dont la force de cisaillement était ensuite mesurée au moyen du système d...