No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or be transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the author.Cover: Stylized streamline visualization of blood flow through an abdominal aortic aneurysm.We will never be here again.
AbstractBlood vessels are more than simple pipes, passively enabling blood to pass through them. Their form and function are dynamic, changing with both aging and disease. This process involves a feedback loop wherein changes to the shape of a blood vessel affect the hemodynamics, causing yet more structural adaptation. This feedback loop is driven in part by the hemodynamic forces generated by the blood flow, and the distribution and strength of these forces appear to play a role in the initiation, progression, severity, and the outcome of vascular diseases.Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) offers a unique platform for investigating both the form and function of the vascular system. The form of the vascular system can be examined using MR-based angiography, to generate detailed geometric analyses, or through quantitative techniques for measuring the composition of the vessel wall and atherosclerotic plaques. To complement these analyses, 4D Flow MRI can be used to quantify the functional aspect of the vascular system, by generating a full time-resolved three-dimensional velocity field that represents the blood flow.This thesis aims to develop and evaluate new methods for assessing vascular disease using novel hemodynamic markers generated from 4D Flow MRI and quantitative MRI data towards the larger goal of a more comprehensive non-invasive examination oriented towards vascular disease. In Paper I, we developed and evaluated techniques to quantify flow stasis in abdominal aortic aneurysms to measure this under-explored aspect of aneurysmal hemodynamics. In Paper II, the distribution and intensity of turbulence in the aorta was quantified in both younger and older men to understand how aging changes this aspect of hemodynamics. A method to quantify the stresses generated by turbulence that act on the vessel wall was developed and evaluated using simulated flow data in Paper III, and in Paper V this method was utilized to examine the wall stresses of the carotid artery. The hemodynamics of vascular disease cannot be uncoupled from the anatomical changes the vessel wall undergoes, and therefore Paper IV developed and evaluated a semi-automatic method for quantifying several aspects of vessel wall composition. These developments, taken together, help generate more valuable information from imaging data, and can be pooled together with other methods to form a more comprehensive non-invasive examination for vascular disease.v While my name stands alone on the cover, this thesis was undoubtably a team effort.I feel quite lucky to have had Petter Dyverfeldt as my main supervisor and mentor throughout this work, not only because of the freedom he entrusted me with, but also for his ...