In previous studies from this laboratory, the binding regions of a-neurotoxins on human and Torpedo acetylcholine (AcCho) receptors (AcChoRs) and the binding regions for the receptor on the toxin were characterized with synthetic peptides of the respective molecules. In the present work, peptides representing the active regions of one molecule are each allowed to bind to each of the active-region peptides of the other molecule. Thus, the interaction of three abungarotoxin (a-BTX) synthetic loop peptides with four synthetic peptides representing the toxin-binding regions on human AcChoR permitted the determination ofthe region-region interactions between a-BTX and the human receptor. Based on the known three-dimensional structure of the toxin, the active peptides of the receptor were then assembled to their appropriate toxin-contact regions by computer model building and energy minimization. This allowed the three-dimensional con- (10) receptors. Conversely, the binding sites for AcChoR on a-bungarotoxin (a-BTX) were mapped by synthetic peptides representing each of the a-BTX loops (11, 12). The present paper describes an approach for studying the details of protein-protein recognition. Each of the active peptides of one protein is allowed to interact with each of the active peptides of the other protein. Based on relative binding affinities of peptide-peptide interactions, the position of AcChoR peptides relative to the a-BTX molecule was assessed. The receptor peptides were docked onto the appropriate regions of a-BTX, whose three-dimensional (3-D) structure is known (13), by computer graphics and energy minimization, thus allowing a 3-D model to be constructed of the binding-site cavity for the toxin on human AcChoR.
MATERIALS AND METHODSMaterials. Synthesis, purification, and characterization of the human AcChoR a-chain peptides have been reported (10). The a-neurotoxin binding regions on human AcChoR reside (10) in the peptides shown in Fig. 1. These peptides were used in the present work. The receptor-binding regions on a-BTX are present in the three loop peptides shown in Fig. 1 (12). The synthesis, purification, and characterization ofthe monomeric forms of the three cyclic peptides (Fig. 1) have been described (12). a-BTX and its synthetic peptides were labeled with iodine-125 by using the chloramine-T method (14). Radioiodinated materials were used immediately after labeling. The specific activities of the labeled peptides were: LIN, 3.1 x 103 cpm/pmol; L2, 2.4 x 103 cpm/pmol; and L3E, 2.1 x 103 cpm/pmol.Binding Studies. tTo whom reprint requests should be addressed at: