Dr. Enikő Kubinyi, who supervised this thesis and the efforts that are described hereafter. She trusted my ability when my curriculum vitae could not speak up for me, yet, and provided the necessary means and support for this project to work. Our written exchanges while working on manuscripts together, helped me develop ideas and map my way through the relevant literature. She took the time and patience to review and promote all ideas that came to my mind, while making sure the most urgent goals do not leave our sight. Dr. Gilles van Luijtelaar, who supervised my bachelor and master theses. Who took the time to discuss neuroscience on almost philosophical levels of depth and continued to support me, morally and academically, long after his official role as my teacher had ended. His dry and confrontational, yet cordial humor were always uplifting the spirit of our interactions. Dr. Hein van Schie who supervised my first literature study in psychology and continued to explore ideas with me long after I left the Radboud University of Nijmegen. One of our literature studies became my first publication, which helped me regain confidence in a difficult time. Dr. Torfi Sigurdsson, who after a time that was hard for both of us, did not take it personal that we were a bad match.From the senior university teachers/professors with whom I interacted, but were not my direct/official supervisors I would like to thank:Dr. Arno Koning who first taught me academic writing, the late Dr. Jacques Janssen, Dr. Pieter Medendorp and his then PhD students, now Dr. Frank Léoné and Dr. Ivar Clemens who taught me to use Matlab, our faculty's Statistics professor Dr. Jules Ellis, Dr. Tineke van Rijn for knowing how to ignite interest in brain anatomy and physiology, all of above associated with the Radboud University of Nijmegen. Dr. Jochen Roeper who kept up the intellectual spirit in the otherwise worldly Frankfurt. In the ELTE department of ethology I also had the honor to meet and learn from Dr. Ádám Miklósi, Dr. Attila Andics (whose efforts in organizing the department retreats gave me a chance to socialize more directly with many colleagues), Dr. Péter Pongrácz (whom I thank a visit to a life animal market and my first experiences as a peer-reviewer), Dr. Ákos Pogány and Dr. Tamás Faragó (these two I want to also thank specifically for engaging the department in short-lived, but fun musical projects). I am also grateful for meeting Dr. Claudia Fugazza and Dr. Márta Gácsi and having the opportunity to ask some direct questions about their interesting lines of work. A very special thanks also to Dr. Dorottya Júlia Ujfalussy, for helping out with some highly relevant bureaucratic pressures right in the beginning of my stay (but in that regard also I want to mention and thank Boróka Bereczky, Ágnes Modrovics and Borbála Győri).I would next like to thank a few personal friends from within academia, who at times unofficially acted as "secondary" or "supporting" supervisors, as well as those who worked with me towards shared goals: