This study aims to identify chicken egg embryos with the concept of image processing. This concept uses input and output in images. Thus the identification process, which was originally carried out using manual observation, was developed by computerization. Digital images are applied in identification by various image preprocessing, image segmentation, and edge detection methods. Based on these three methods, image processing has three processes: image grayscaling (convert to a grayscale image), image adjustment, and image enhancement. Image adjustment aims to clarify the image based on color correction. Meanwhile, image enhancement improves image quality, using histogram equalization (HE) and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization methods (CLAHE). Specifically for the image enhancement method, the CLAHE-HE combination is used for the improvement process. At the end of the process, the method used is edge detection. In this method, there is a comparison of various edge detection operators such as Roberts, Prewitt, Sobel, and canny. The results of edge detection using these four methods have the SSIM value respectively 0.9403; 0.9392; 0.9394; 0.9402. These results indicate that the SSIM values of the four operators have the same or nearly the same value. Thus, the edge detection method can provide good edge detection results and be implemented because the SSIM value is close to 1.00 (more than 0.93). Image segmentation detected object (egg and embryo), and the continued process by edge detection showed clearly edge of egg and embryo.