Identification of water region plays an important role in many of the industrial and agricultural applications. Detection of water and non-water region will be tedious if manual methods are adapted. To tackle this, this article presents a detailed image processing based method to detect water and non-water region using infrared Tau 2 640 camera.An algorithm is developed to identify the water and non-water regions in a remote area using Tau 2 640 camera mounted quad copter. A serious of experiments is carried to detect the water regions. Results of the experiments present the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Keywords: water regions, infrared, water detection, Tau 2 640INTRODUCTION With the development of technology for infrared (IR)sensors in last decades, many image processing applications based on IR images has emerged. IR image is generated by detecting radiation in the long-wave electromagnetic spectrum. The intensity value of a pixel in an IR image represents the emitted IR radiation intensity ie., the temperature of an object. IR images can provide all weather information, which is not observed by the human with naked eye. Therefore, IR images are widely used in surveillance, industry, military and other fields. Infrared thermography is used in various fields, from clinical diagnostics toindustrial preventive and in agriculture also in predictive evaluation [2][3][4]. In these cases, it is important toreveal oddities and irregularities in the distribution of the analyzed bodies'temperature as these are indicators of anomalous, and therefore undesired,situations. For example, areas of higher temperature than the standard conditionsmay identify infections or muscle injuries in the medical field, or damaged isolatorsand overheated joint, signs of incipient failure, in the industrial field, or high temperature in the regions are the sign of absences of water level in that particular area.This research article is focuses towards developing algorithms for identifying water resources using Tau2 640 Flir infrared camera. Water is an essential element without which any living species goes extinct. This research work mainly focuses on providing an invention which helps in detecting/ identifying the underground water resource present which can be mapped and tapped to the reservoir. This saved water can be fed to the people during summer season or to the farmers for the agriculture purpose during drought period. The quad copter technology thus used will cover the maximum area autonomously whereas yielding a real-time detection of the water bodies using the infra-Red cameras and the image classification algorithms.