Stomata are morphological structures of plants that have been receiving constant attention. These pores are responsible for the interaction between the internal plant system and the environment, working on different processes such as photosynthesis process and transpiration stream. As evaluated before, understanding the pore mechanism play a key role to explore the evolution and behavior of plants. Although the study of stomata in dicots species of plants have advanced, there is little information about stomata of cereal grasses. In addition, automated detection of these structures have been presented on the literature, but some gaps are still uncovered. This fact is motivated by high morphological variation of stomata and the presence of noise from the image acquisition step. Herein, we propose a new methodology of an automatic stomata classification and detection system in microscope images for maize cultivars.In our experiments, we have achieved an approximated accuracy of 97.1% in the identification of stomata regions using classifiers based on deep learning features.
1According to Willmer and Fricker [1], from all points of view, the stomata have received more 2 constant attention probably than any other single vegetative structure in the plant. Regulating 3 gas exchange between the plant and the environment[2], these structures are small pores on the 4 surfaces of leaves, stems and parts of angiosperm flowers and fruits [3, 4], formed by a pair of 5 specialized epidermal cells (guarder cells), which are found in the surface of aerial parts of most 6 higher plants [1]. Due to the controlling of the exchange of water vapour and CO 2 between the 7 interior of the leaf and the atmosphere [3]; the photosynthesis, the transpiration stream, the 8 nutrition and the metabolism of land plants are in different ways related to the opening and 9 closing movements of the stomata [4, 1]. Furthermore, Hetherington and Woodward point that 10 the acquisition of stomata and an impervious leaf cuticle are considered to be key elements in 11 the evolution of advanced terrestrial plants, allowing the plant to inhabit a range of different, 12 often fluctuating environments but still control water content [3].13 The stomatal movements distinguish this structure from other pores found in plant organs, of liverworts [1]. The control of stomatal aperture requires the coordinated control of multiple 16 cellular processes [3] and its morphogenesis is affected by several environmental stimuli, such 17 as relative humidity, temperature, concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, light intensity, 18 and endogenous plant hormones [2, 3, 1]. Global warming for example could increase leaf 19 transpiration and soil evaporation, and as consequence leaf stomata movements can control 20 plant water loss and carbon gain under this water stress condition [5]. Stomatal aperture 21 might also represent an initial response to both plants and human pathogenic bacteria [2]. In 22 plants, it has been reported that microscopic surface openings serve as...