Quadratic entry locus manifold of type $\delta$ $X\subset\mathbb P^N$ of
dimension $n\geq 1$ are smooth projective varieties such that the locus
described on $X$ by the points spanning secant lines passing through a general
point of the secant variety $SX\subseteq\mathbb P^N$ is a smooth quadric
hypersurface of dimension $\delta=2n+1-\dim(SX)$ equal to the secant defect of
These manifolds appear widely and naturally among projective varieties having
special geometric properties and/or extremal tangential behaviour. We prove
that, letting $\delta=2r_X +1\geq 3$ or $\delta=2r_X+2$, then $2^{r_X}$ divides
$n-\delta$. This is obtained by the study of the projective geometry of the
Hilbert scheme $Y_x\subset \mathbb(T_x^*)$ of lines passing through a general
point $x$ of $X$, allowing an inductive procedure.
The Divisibility Property described above allows unitary and simple proofs of
many results on $QEL$-manifolds such as the complete classification of those of
type $\delta\geq n/2$, of Cremona transformation of type $(2,3)$, $(2,5)$. In
particular we propose a new and very short proof of the fact that Severi
varieties have dimension 2,4, 8 or 16 and also an almost self contained half
page proof of their classification due to Zak.Comment: 16 pages; some misprints and imprecisions corrected; some references
added; final version as appeared in Math. An