Located in the central part of the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt, the Anatolian plate is typically on the terminal stage of the Wilson cycle, which marks the onset of continental collision as oceanic subduction terminates (Burke, 2011). Multiple plate-mantle interactions, for example, slab roll-back, tear and break-off, lithospheric delamination, and local convective instabilities, can be triggered by a significant change in subduction environment, such as the transition from oceanic to continental subductions (van Hunen & Miller, 2015). These geodynamic processes control the evolution of the entire Anatolian Plateau. Typically, slab tears can be interpreted beneath southwestern Anatolia down to depths 150-180 km from various tomography models and deep earthquake activities (Bocchini et al., 2018;Hayes et al., 2018;Kounoudis et al., 2020). Driven by the Arabia-Eurasia collision in the east and oceanic subduction along the Hellenic Trench and Cyprus Arc in the southwest, the Anatolian Plateau is undergoing tectonic escape, including westward translation and counterclockwise rotation (Reilinger et al., 2006). Receiver function and other studies across the Anatolian plateau have suggested that there is no rapid change in the crust thickness within eastern and central Anatolia (Figure S1 in Supporting Information S1, e.g., Laske et al., 2013;Vanacore et al., 2013). The east Anatolian fault zone and north Anatolian fault zone accommodate the tectonic escape and divide the Anatolian plate into four distinct Neotectonic provinces,