“…For field data, these factors preclude iterative SRME, resulting in amplitude errors that vary for different multiple orders ͑see, e.g., Verschuur and Berkhout, 1997;Paffenholz et al, 2002͒. In practice, the second separation stage appears to be particularly challenging because adaptive ᐉ 2 -matched-filtering techniques are known to lead to residual multiple energy, high-frequency clutter, and deterioration of the primaries ͑Chen et al, 2004;Abma et al, 2005;Herrmann et al, 2007a͒. By employing the ability of the curvelet transform ͑Candes et al., 2006;Hennenfent and Herrmann, 2006͒ to detect wavefronts with conflicting dips ͑e.g., caustics͒, Herrmann et al ͑2007a͒ and Herrmann et al ͑2008b͒ derived a nonadaptive separation scheme ͑independent of the total data͒ that uses the original data and SRME-predicted multiples as input and produces an estimate for the primaries. This threshold-based method proved to be robust with respect to moderate errors ͑sign, phase, and timing͒ in the predicted multiples and derived its success from the sparsifying property of curvelets for data with wavefronts.…”