Structures surrounding the inferred location of the Japan Trench plate boundary décollement define the fault damage zone. We quantify the density of tectonic and induced structures in the damage zone from drill cores collected between 770 and 835 meters below seafloor from Hole C0019E during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 343/343T, the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST). Cores contain structures formed by tectonic deformation and structures resulting from drill core recovery and handling. Differentiating between these two origins is essential for structural analyses and interpretation. We defined 10 styles of induced structures that we used to develop a new set of criteria for identifying induced structures in drill cores containing fine-grained sedimentary rocks. These criteria were used to categorize structures according to confidence in a tectonic origin. Our results show structure density (including all fractures, faults, breccias, and phyllosilicate bands) has a maximum adjacent to the décollement. This pattern in structure density is apparent for both exclusively tectonic structures and tectonic and induced structures combined. Local increases in induced structure density mask trends in tectonic structures, demonstrating that detecting trends in spatial variability in structure density is dependent on the recognition of induced structures. Additionally, the tectonic structure density increases where cores contain faults with significant displacements inferred from stratigraphic information, indicating that tectonic structure density can be used to identify secondary faults. We suggest that the criteria for identifying induced structures used in this study could be applied during visual core description in a variety of tectonic settings as a method to collect and assess reliable structural data.
IntroductionCoseismic thrust displacement during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Mw 9.0 earthquake reached ~40-80 m near the trench, the largest slip ever recorded for an earthquake (Fujiwara et al., 2011;Fujii et al., 2011;Ide et al., 2011;Lay et al., 2011;Pollitz et al., 2011;Yue and Lay, 2011
T.T. Keren and J.D. KirkpatrickData report: tectonic and induced structures in the JFAST coreProc. IODP | Volume 343/343T 2 of the JFAST project included identifying and sampling the rocks that were deformed during the earthquake to establish the processes active on the fault during slip and to establish the stress state on the fault before, during, and after the earthquake (Mori et al., 2012). Structural data are critical for locating the plate boundary décollement, where both longterm and coseismic displacements are typically localized. The attitudes of fractures and faults around the fault also provide information about the stress field when they formed (see the "Expedition 343/343T summary" chapter [Expedition 343/343T Scientists, 2013a]).Drilling was undertaken at Site C0019, ~7 km landward of the trench in the region of maximum slip during the earthquake (Fig. F1) Distinguishing tectonic structures ...