A portion of the WIPP site has been extensively surveyed with high-precision gravity. The main survey (in T22S, R31E) covered a rectangular area 2 by 4-1/3 mi encompassing all of WIPP site Zone II and part of the disturbed zone to the north of the site. Stations were at 293-ft intervals along 13 north-south lines 880 ft apart. The data are considered accurate to within a few hundredths of a milligal. Long-wavelength gravity anomalies correlate well with seismic time structures on horizons below the Castile Formation. Both the gravity anomalies and the seismic time structures are interpreted as resulting from related density and velocity variations within the Ochoan Series. Shorter wavelength negative gravity anomalies are interpreted as resulting from bulk density alteration in the vicinity of karst conduits. The WIPP gravity survey was unable to resolve low-amplitude, long-wavelength anomalies that should result from the geologic structures within the disturbed zone. It did indicate the degree and character of karst development within the surveyed area. r NOTSCE PffprmMR nP THIS REPORT ABE lUEfilBlE. It has been reproduced from the best available copy to permit the broadest, possible availability. .,.;.!..« fiSTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS !!NL(MITFD jji 3 Acknowledgment Appreciation is extended to the Sandia National Laboratories Applicon Graphics Personnel, Dept. 9761, for preparing appropriate base maps and to Carmen de Souza for patiently typing and retyping the manuscript. D. J. Borns and C. A. Searls reviewed the report and offered many helpful suggestions. The interpretation is that of the authors and is not necessarily agreed to by the reviewers.