EUV observations of a multi-thermal coronal loop, taken by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which exhibits decay-less kink oscillations are presented. The datacube of the quiet Sun coronal loop was passed through a motion magnification algorithm to accentuate transverse oscillations. Timedistance maps are made from multiple slits evenly spaced along the loop axis and oriented orthogonal to the loop axis. Displacements of the intensity peak are tracked to generate time series of the loop displacement. Fourier analysis on the time series show the presence of two periods within the loop; P 1 = 10.3 +1.5 −1.7 minutes and P 2 = 7.4 +1.1 −1.3 minutes. The longer period component is greatest in amplitude at the apex and remains in phase throughout the loop length. The shorter period component is strongest further down from the apex on both legs, and displays an anti-phase behaviour between the two loop legs. We interpret these results as the coexistence of the fundamental and second harmonics of the standing kink mode within the loop in the decay-less oscillation regime. An illustration of seismological application using the ratio P 1 /2P 2 ∼ 0.7 to estimate the density scale height is presented. The existence of multiple harmonics has implications for understanding the driving and damping mechanisms for decay-less oscillations, and adds credence to their interpretation as standing kink mode oscillations.